Last updated: 01 DEC 2023



These Terms and Conditions of Use are legally binding. It is your responsibility to read these Terms and Conditions of Use carefully prior to purchase, use or access of any of our products, including online courses and group coaching programs.



All programs, products, and services are owned and provided by Small Business Collaborative (“Company” or “We” or “Us” or “Our”). The term “You” or “Your” refers to any user or purchaser of said program(s), product(s) or service(s) (the “Offering”). These Terms and Conditions of Use govern and define how You are allowed to use and access Company’s Offering. We reserve the right to update and change these Terms and Conditions of Use at any time, and will update them accordingly with the ‘date last updated’ at the top of this page.

You are legally bound to these Terms and Conditions of Use whether or not you have read them. If you do not agree with any of our Terms and Conditions of Use please do not purchase any of our services or offerings.



This website is owned by Small Business Collaborative Limited

Registered Address (not for any correspondence): 20 Goodwood Way, Chippenham, SN14 0SY. For any correspondence, please email Therese Oertenblad at [email protected].

Use of this website is at Your own risk. Small Business Collaborative host this site on a reputable platform/s and take reasonable efforts to maintain and host the site. However, we make no explicit representations or warranties as to the safety of Your individual use of the website.


The Terms and Conditions contained on this page are subject to change at any time.

You agree you are at least 18 years old of age. If you are below the legal age of consent in the United Kingdom) you may not access the offering under any circumstance. If we discover that you have done so in violation of these rules your access will be terminated, and you will not be entitled to any refund of any sort.



All images, text, designs and graphics are the property of Small Business Collaborative, and you may not use it, copy it or replicate it in part or full under any circumstances.

You are allowed to use our intellectual property with clear and obvious credit and backlinks back to our site. However, you may never claim any of our intellectual property as your own unique creation, even with attribution.



Any and all materials, paid or free, that you have access to this site or any related sites that contain our offerings are under sole ownership or licensed use of Small Business Collaborative.

This applies to everything contained on our sites, and you are only receiving a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable license for non-commercial use only in order to access any content or materials in the offering you have paid for or opted to receive.

If you opt to exceed the scope of this licenced, as determined by a legal authority such as a court of law, you have committed infringement in a manner that materially harms us. We have the right to seek damages and/or an injunction to remedy the situation.


What you are allowed to do:


You are not allowed to:







We do not store any whole credit card numbers or payment information, all payments are processed through third-party processors such as Stripe, Thinkific, PayPayl, Wix, and Go Cardless. By utilising these payment processors to gain access to the offering, you indemnify us and instead assume any and all risk or liability for the security of the payment details or these third-party processors. By accessing our offerings through these third-party payment processors, you agree to be bound by the third-party payment processors' applicable terms of conditions of use.



We make no guarantees about the results of taking any action, whether recommended on this website, in any of our programs, courses, free downloads, worksheets or one-to-one sessions. The company provides educational and informative recourses intended to help users grow their businesses.

You recognise that your ultimate success or failure will be the result of your own efforts, and we provide no guarantee that you will make earn any money using the techniques and the ideas in these materials.

Prior results and examples of results referenced on our website and social media do not guarantee a similar outcome.  

Every effort has been made to accurately represent the work we do and the educational value we provide, but there is no guarantee you will earn any money using the techniques and the ideas in these materials.



We are not a medical, legal, financial professional, and the advice and materials we share shall not be deemed as medical, legal or financial advice. We hold no liability for any direct, indirect, or consequential loss or damage incurred by you or others in connection to our offerings, including without limitation any liability for accidents, delays, injuries, harm, loss, damage, death, lost profits or earnings of any kind.



We make every effort to provide accurate and up to date information but make no warranty or guarantee to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of information in our offerings. We are not liable for any inaccuracies, errors, or personal opinions contained in our offerings or related materials.



This site does use affiliate links to sell certain products or services. These are always marked so that it is clear that you are clicking an affiliate link that we may profit from. We disclaim any and all liability as a result of your purchase through one of these links.



If you violate any of these terms and conditions we will terminate your use of our site, and offerings immediately. This is our sole discretion and we may revoke your access at any time without notice.



All prices are quoted exclusive of VAT (20%). If you are based in the United Kingdom, this will be charged on-top of your fee unless otherwise clearly stated.



When you purchase one of our online courses, replays, ebooks, webinars, workshops you will have access to the purchased online course for 12 months following your purchase. 



When you purchase one of our paid for online webinars, workshop, or challenges you will have access for a minimum of 1 month following your purchase. 

Please note that this does not apply to free webinars and workshops.




We take your investment very seriously.

Small Business Collaborative reserves the right to charge interest in line with the Bank of England interest rate for any outstanding sum left unpaid on or after 14 calendar days form the dye date.

After 30 days of outstanding payment we reserve the right to send you to collections, upon which you will owe the total amount of any outstanding payments plus incurred interest and any collection costs including reasonable legal fees.



Due to the online nature of our courses your purchase is complete on the date of initial purchase and we do not offer any refunds following the purchase. If you elected to purchase one of our offerings using a payment plan all agreed payments will be due following your purchase. This is the case even if the course or program you purchased has not commenced yet.

The exception to the above refund policy is our “Sales Growth Lab” program. For this program we may offer to purchase back the program if you are not satisfied with the outcomes. In order to qualify for a refund, you must submit proof (detailed below) that you did the work in the course and that it did not work for you. You must notify us in writing ([email protected] within 7 months of completing the program.

You recognise that in order to sign up to this program in the first place you need to have a commercial product that can be re-produced at a consistent quality that you have already sold in some capacity before enrolling.

The work you need to submit with your request for a refund includes all of the following items:

Once you submitted the above you will be offered a call and we will put an action plan together and if we cannot come up with a solution, we will buy the program back. This is at our discretion, and it will be subject to you putting in the effort of completing all the steps.

This is refund policy is exclusive to this program and it is not offered for any of our other services.

We will not provide refunds if you do not contact us more than 7 months after completion of the program or if you are unable to provide the proof listed above.



If you have opted and signed up for a payment plan, or subscription you hereby authorise us to continue to access your financial information stored by our third-party financial processing company.

You understand that if you sign up for a payment plan, all the instalments will be due and if you fail any of the payments Small Business Collaborative reserves the right to charge interest in line with the Bank of England interest rate for any outstanding sum left unpaid on or after 14 calendar days from the due date.

After 30 days of outstanding payment, we reserve the right to send you to collections, upon which you will owe the total amount of any outstanding payments plus incurred interest and any collection costs including reasonable legal fees.

If your payment fails, we reserve the right to revoke or temporarily suspend your access immediately and without notice. Termination of your access will not excuse you from further payment.



If you would like to revoke your access, please email us at [email protected] to initiate the process. Termination will not excuse you from further payments and upon confirmation of your termination any outstanding balances will become immediately due and payable. If after 14 days following the date of termination you have any outstanding balance we reserve the right to send you to collections, upon which you will owe the total amount of any outstanding payments plus incurred interest and any collection costs including reasonable legal fees



As a member of Sales Growth Club you are committing to a minimum of 3 months, thereafter you can cancel at any time with 1 month's written notice.

To cancel, please email [email protected] and make sure you get a confirmation email back. 



When you use our website and purchase any of our offerings you are consenting to our privacy policy. This can be found